Thursday, December 16, 2010

Runner's Diet

Not getting injured is more important than any other aspect of running. You must be able to run.  Run slowly, run short distances, run often,  and eat whatever you want.  
Measuring distance and time are necessary but the other side of the coin is to ask yourself, "how am I feeling at this point in the run?  How does that compare to last month?  How much of that turkey roll did I run off?"

The goal for most runners and the focus of the industry is on competition.  I believe measuring how you do against others comes later...and only if you choose so to do.  So start by measuring the time you spend running and make it at least 15 minutes (not counting the warm-up and shower).  

Everybody can do this.  If you find yourself fading, slow down!  Spend more time running and less time eating.

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